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August 2006

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Home » Archives » August 2006 » is dead, long live the Greymatter blog software!

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08/21/2006: " is dead, long live the Greymatter blog software!"

I wrote the other day that the long established website has gone down, looks like for good. This is bad as there was a long established and rich collection of information for anyone running and using greymatter. The owner of the forum and a few of the core members have decided that the forum should close and that there is better blog software out there and people should use that instead.

I dont agree at all. I like Greymatter blog software. It may be old now but its still useful. It has some limitations but we can get over those. Probably the best news that has come of flippedcracker and his colleagues closing down is that a new forum has started up. Its caller grey matter forums and its on a free hosting site to try and protect the collection of shared info going forwards. If someone decides in the future that they dont support greymatter anymore at least the forum will remain for others. I have been supporting this new forum as I have an interest in improving greymatter myself and I am running it on three blogs including this one.

I have also agreed to host the greymatter blog software on this site. I have found some of my old posts for a couple of bugs fixes and posted them there, answered a couple of questions and also become a moderator of the forum. I have also set up a page on this site to support greymatter mods. This currently inlcudes a link to gm-rss and also my xml-rpc script.

The good thing is that development on greymatter is set to continue and hopefully we will get some nice mods and core improvements. I have made a suggestion on the forum that we release often and make changes available straight away not like the previous situation where a core set of people coded changes and released once in a blue moon. If we release often and release debug / candidate releases we should get better testing and quicker stable releases. Greymatter blog software should then improve quicker and more people will start to use it.

I have taken on the mantle of looking after the RSS feeds and getting together a script that will do RSS 1.0, RSS2.0 and ATOM all for greymatter.

After that I will also look at my moderated comments mod.

As I said the king is dead, long live greymatter blogging software!