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August 2006

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Home » Archives » August 2006 » Greymatter blog software new features

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08/21/2006: "Greymatter blog software new features"

I just made a post to the new Grey Matter forums titled "New Greymatter features" and thought I might share it here as well:

have been thinking about some of the longer term mods / core features that should be added to greymatter and wanted to list some of them here to start an initial discussion and to add to coldstones list. Here is my wish list:

o - multiple blogs from one interface / installation
o - draft posts
o - comment anti spam -
o - comment moderation - I am working on this
o - comment blacklists
o - comment unique number posts - i.e. put this number in a box before you can post
o - full feed support - I am working on this now
o - translation of posts to different languages
o - proper categories
o - blogroll support
o - trackbacks
o - last xx comments
o - statistics - i.e. who is logged on, from where etc
o - dynamic posts - but ability to keep .htm(l) URL's
o - database support
o - spell checking
o - WYSWIG editing
o - support for remote editing

Please feel free to drop me a line or add to the forum thread with any new features that you feel should be in the next core Greymatter blog software upgrade.