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Greymatter Forums

October 2006

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Monday, October 30th

GreyMatter 1.6.1 - New Improved release

The first upgrade of GreyMatter since 1.3.1 in 2003 has been released yesterday on the new Greymatter forums. The new version if 1.6.1 and its a first developers release aimed at those who want to add new features and functions to GreyMatter. The focus of the release has been the begginings ot refactoring the code to make it easier to add features by seperating out the logic for file access and web access amongst others. This will make it easier to add database support in the future. Version 1.6.1 is the first of many new updates to GreyMatter. It also includes the following updates (taken from the changelog):-

* added author name protecion, commenter must enter name_pw in order to post with author name.

* refactored config screen to use functions, cut down on if statements

* refactored to use Gm_Constants to avoid typos of bareword flags.

* refactored to use Gm_Storage to retrieve templates (continue this trend to get to db)

- also refactored template file so that templates are stored as: template_name=templatevalue (removes order dependance)

* refactored to use Gm_Storage to retrieve and set configs

- also refactored configs to use format: configname=configvalue (removes order dependance, cleaner)

* refactored to use Gm_Storage to retrive and set ban lists

* refactored to use Gm_Storage to retrive and save authors

* refactored minor "utility" functions to Gm_Utils

- This includes &date which is now Gm_Utils::getStdDate

* fixed issue with ArchiveGroupingFooter not being printed properly

* removed quotes, they don't contribute anything to the task at hand.

* added user templates for errors that are displayed to grey matter users vs gm admin messages

* added in Multiple delete on the entry edit page.

I am also working on a comment moderation mod for GreyMatter, its about half complete at present due to other committments. I will get back to it as soon as possible and get int included in the next scheduled update in December. I also added RSS 2 and Atom 0.3 and XML-RPC support to GreyMatter recently. Well done and thanks to Coldstone for the great work on GreyMatter.

Verson 1.6.1 can be downloaded from the forum and also from the primary GreyMatter download site.
Pete on 10.30.06 @ 11:04 PM GMT [link]

Tuesday, October 3rd

Getting gm-rss version 2.0 to work without the correct Perl libs installed

I made some modifications to gm-rss a short while ago to add RSS 2.0 and Atom 0.3 functionallity to the existing functionallity that produced an RSS1.0 syndication feed. Whilst adding this functionallity has not made it more difficult to install and get gm-rss running there is still a problem if your ISP doesnt have the necessary Perl modules installed already and if you dont have access to install them yourself. I previously hosted my site on a server where shell access was not allowed and also the Perl modules were not available.

The solution was to instead of installing the modules was to get the Perl modules and to use them locally. This can be difficult to do with some Perl modules if they in turn refer to othre modules that are not installed. You can in effect start chasing down a long list of dependancies. In this case the install is quite simple. The packages XML::RSS, XML::Atom::Simplefeed and XML::Simple are needed. I found the source by searching CPAN and then saved it to a text file with a .pm extension. I then located the "use" statements and instead used "require" statements and provided paths to the Perl modules.

I have updated my gm-rss 2.0 page and added the three Perl modules and also some simple instructions on where to do the edits.
Pete on 10.03.06 @ 09:48 PM GMT [link]