Pete Finnigan's Web Development Blog

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August 2005

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Thursday, August 18th

Finally some progress on my administration screens

I have finally had a little time to get started on my administration screens. I talked a long time ago in my Oracle Security blog in a post titled "Oracle security and content management" about content management and administration functions for my web site and weblog. I have spent quite a lot of time looking at many Content Management Systems that are available (Thanks Sean for the tips!). I have never been able to pick out a particular system to use for my site as they all fall short of what i want (so far). I will talk again in a later entry about CMS systems and what i need in particular.

The one area I also wanted to cover with a CMS is the administration functions of my site, such as managing the mailing list, operating backups, generating and analysing web site statistics, sitemap and many more. At the moment I have a big bag of Perl CGI that does each task separately. I want to bring them all under one roof so that all admin is in a central location. I also wanted to bring to a central location access points to various other functions so that I don’t have to keep using bookmarks. This includes access to the blogs control panels and forum control panels. I have also registered some new sub-domains and also unlinked my other two sites and from pointing at the Oracle Security Site.

So today I finally started to put together a list of the admin functions I need and started to create a single entry screen to access all of the functions. I am being lazy at first and doing the job as a cut and stitch of the existing scripts. I hope to alter this to a bespoke perl script in the future but for now this is the quickest solution and no one else sees it anyway.

I am hoping that this will make managing the site a little easier. I will talk again in the future about CMS's and why i couldn't find a suitable one and also I will let you know about my new sites which will all feature blogs of their own.
Pete on 08.18.05 @ 05:23 PM GMT [link]

Wednesday, August 17th

My weblogs are back

Today at 08:32 both this blog and my main Oracle Security blog were hacked by some unknown person. The ISP UKLinux has restored my sites and everything should now be working again. Let's hope it stays that way.
Pete on 08.17.05 @ 10:19 PM GMT [link]